I cannot do it … YET!

Each week I am meeting with a coach colleague for accountability, encouragement, and motivation. It works wonders for our businesses.

In our last session we were discussing how some business decisions were rational, and how others were dictated by fear, or rather the lack of it: it’s so easy to stay in your comfort zone and focus on the things you know you are good at or have the skills for.

But growth only happens when you stretch yourself beyond that familiar zone, so I am looking at my options from an emotional perspective and trying to identify areas where I could venture but that feel a bit scary because I can’t do them… YET.

Can I find more info about it? Can I learn how to do it? Can I get some support from someone who’s done it before?

I am not advocating that as a business owner we always go for the scary stuff, what I am saying, is look at the emotions behind your thinking, and really identify if fear might be holding you back or narrowing your perspective.

If you’d like more info on my business coaching services, get in touch.


Thinking of hiring a coach?


My values - #6 Joie de vivre.